Friday 7 November 2014


On Saturday 22d November 2014 my new book "A Charmed Life" is being launched in the afternoon at a Winter Fayre being held in Underwood Miners' Welfare.

It is a fantastic story and a great read at just 2.00 per copy + 70p UK p&p.    All enquiries to me Stan Smith using e-mail

Tuesday 24 June 2014

Eugene di Villa

A brand new book entitled "Eugene Di Villa", is being launched this coming Saturday, June 28th, at Underwood St Michael's Garden Party in the churchyard between 2pm and 5pm.
The proceeds of this book, which cost £2.00, will be donated to the Eugene Di Villa Memorial Fund. Copies available by e-mail :

Eugene was born in London in 1931 - but under a different name. In 1959 he legally changed this, by Deed Poll, and from then onwards became Eugene Di Villa.
Through his grandmother he claimed connections with a European titled family and shared sketchy details of his life with his many friends.
Eugene died in December 2010 and was buried in St Michael’s Churchyard having expressed a fondness for Underwood during his life time. Today, more than three years later, his grave is grassed over and marked with a plain wooden cross bearing a handwritten inscription.
A group of friends, distressed by the sadness of this, have got together to try and raise funds for a proper memorial stone to mark the life of a local man who gave so much to Underwood and the surrounding area.
See More

Tuesday 28 January 2014

The latest Basford Bystander is now out in the shops. I enjoyed putting this one together.   Copies obtainable from me.

For details e-mail me at   

Hard copies available - also pdf format for e-mailing Inland or World wide.

Thursday 9 January 2014

Happy new year to fellow bloggers

I am delighted to announce that my website has now been updated with my latest 2013 books.

 These books, all at £2.00 (sterling) each, with pdf versions available for e-mail, include:-
Brinsley – Top to Bottom” -  chapel folk and others
“Lively Folk” of Underwood Bagthorpe & Westwood

“Bystander Cream” – containing early articles on Basford from the Basford Bystander

“Bulwell Bystander”- containing early articles on Bulwell from the Basford Bystander

“The Green” – Part one of the reissue of the Hyson Green book which has been out of print for a few years.

Photo shows my wife Christine and I on our book stall at a recent event
I am now busy putting together the next book – this time it will be Brinsley book number 15!